Introducing our new line of car seat cover! The best thing about car seat covers is that they're so easy to use! They're made of 100% organic bamboo and are vegan, eco-friendly and naturally anti-bacterial. You can machine wash them and they'll last for years. And the best part they don't have any synthetic materials in them—so no worries about harmful chemicals or toxins absorbing into your skin! I love this product because it's something that I can just throw on my kids when we're out running errands or going to the park, knowing that it's protecting them from germs while also providing a sense of security in my own car. Our covers are machine washable, too, which means they will last longer than other bran...
Introducing our new line of car seat cover! The best thing about car seat covers is that they're so easy to use! They're made of 100% organic bamboo and are vegan, eco-friendly and naturally anti-bacterial. You can machine wash them and they'll last for years. And the best part they don't have any synthetic materials in them—so no worries about harmful chemicals or toxins absorbing into your skin! I love this product because it's something that I can just throw on my kids when we're out running errands or going to the park, knowing that it's protecting them from germs while also providing a sense of security in my own car. Our covers are machine washable, too, which means they will last longer than other brands' materials and you won't have to worry about having to replace them every few months or so (and then having to throw out the old ones).