Sunil Jain
Sunil Jain
1 active listings
Last online 2 years ago
Registered for 2+ years
2475-84, Hargolal Rd, Housing Board Colony, Sadar Bazar, Ambala Cantt, Haryana 133001, 2475-84, Hargolal Rd, Housing Board Colony, Sadar Bazar, Ambala Cantt, Haryana 133001, Ambāla, Haryana, India
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Welcome to Jlab, India's most trusted and reputed Educational Lab Equipment Manufacturerwith more than 50+ years of world-class support for being Numbero Uno Science Lab Equipment Manufacturer.
Critical thinking is at the heart of scientific inquiry. A good scientist is one who never stops asking why things happen, or how things happen. Science makes progress when we find data that contradicts our current scientific ideas. Critical thinking can be developed through focussed learning activities. JLab is engaged in offering Educational Lab Equipments, School Lab equipments, Biology Lab Equipments, Physics Lab Equipments, Chemistry Lab Equipments, Vocational TVET Training Systems that nurtutres and nourishes this crictical thinking.
We are manufacturer of Scientific Lab equipment, Lab Equipments in India, Tvet Lab Instruments. We are also offering a wide range of excellent quality of School Lab Equipments, Hospital lab equipment.

Sunil Jain's listings

Ambāla, India
Microprocessor Colony Counter
Seven Segment LED Display Auto Marker Pen Audible Confirmation of Each Count Uniform Glare Free Illumination Wolffhugel Glass Grid with Focusing Facility LED Based Illumination Microprocessor Colony Counter is a solid state microcontroller based instrument designed for quick and accurate counting of bacterial & mould colonies in petri dishes. The instrum...
1000.00 ₹
2 years ago Manufacturing - Operations 48 people viewed
1000.00 ₹
1000.00 ₹
  • 1
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