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Jeweled Legacy
Jeweled Legacy
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Last online 1 month ago
Registered for 1+ month
7635 Quivira Rd, 66216, Shawnee, Kansas, United States
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About seller
Jeweled Legacy specializes in estate, vintage and antique jewelry. Do you have an heirloom in need of care? We can replace stones- from diamonds to rhinestones, size rings, solder breaks in gold, silver and even some fashion metal, we restring necklaces and knot pearls, convert clip and screwback earrings to post or French hooks, and we work on wrist and pocket watches. Do you need an appraisal to protect your piece of history? We have certified appraisers on staff. Are you searching for a future heirloom? Our curated collection spans over two hundred years, with pieces from across the globe.

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