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Uttar Pradesh, India
Walkie Talkie On Rental Service In India
A Walkie Talkie is a hand-held Radio device that works using Radio Signals, on a single, shared frequency band. It may be used to communicate between each other.These are mainly used by Security Personals. Get It Rent provides Walkie Talkie on Rent for all your requirements in Event Security, Event Management Teams, Seminars, Personal Security or any other S...
2 years ago Electronics 86 people viewed
Noida, India
Walkie Talkie On Rental Service In India
A Walkie Talkie is a hand-held Radio device that works using Radio Signals, on a single, shared frequency band. It may be used to communicate between each other.These are mainly used by Security Personals. Get It Rent provides Walkie Talkie on Rent for all your requirements in Event Security, Event Management Teams, Seminars, Personal Security or any other S...
250.00 $
2 years ago Electronics 83 people viewed
250.00 $
250.00 $
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