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gemswisdom's listings

Delhi, India
Pitambari Neelam Stone
Pitambari Neelam Stone is a unique and powerful gemstone combining the properties of both Blue Sapphire (Neelam Stone) and Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj Stone). This dual-colored gem is believed to bring the combined benefits of Saturn and Jupiter, promoting wealth, wisdom, and protection. The Pitambari Neelam Stone Price varies based on its clarity, color, and c...
45000.00 ₹
5 months ago Jewelry - Watches New Sell 22 people viewed
45000.00 ₹
45000.00 ₹
Delhi, India
Emerald Stone (Panna Stone)
Emerald Stone, known as Panna Stone in Hindi, is a highly valued gemstone admired for its bluish-green colored and powerful astrological benefits. The original Emerald Stone is associated with the planet Mercury and is believed to enhance intellectual abilities, communication skills, and creativity. The Natural Emerald Stone Price depends on factors like cla...
117000.00 ₹
5 months ago Jewelry - Watches New Sell 19 people viewed
117000.00 ₹
117000.00 ₹
Deoli, India
Blue Sapphire Stone (Neelam Stone)
Blue Sapphire Stone, also known as Neelam Stone, is a prestigious and highly valuable gemstone governed by Saturn. This precious natural gemstone from the corundum family is renowned for its ability to be framed as the most powerful stone that helps in pulling off wealth, success, honour, happiness and fame. The Neelam Stone Price varies depending on factors...
126600.00 ₹
6 months ago Jewelry - Watches New Sell 20 people viewed
126600.00 ₹
126600.00 ₹
Delhi, India
Yellow Sapphire Stone (Pukhraj Stone)
Yellow Sapphire Stone, known as Pukhraj Stone, is a highly revered gemstone that belongs to the corundum family. Yellow Sapphire Stone is a beautiful astrological gemstone believed to bring peace and prosperity to the wearer. Pukhraj Ratna is associated with the planet Jupiter and is believed to bring wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune to the wearer. The Y...
65170.00 ₹
6 months ago Jewelry - Watches New Sell 16 people viewed
65170.00 ₹
65170.00 ₹
Delhi, India
Ruby Stone (Manik Stone)
Ruby Stone, also known as Manik Stone, is a stunning and highly esteemed gemstone comes in a shade of deep blood red in color and belongs to the Corundum family. These original quality stones are mostly exported from Myanmar (Burma). This gemstone is associated with the Sun, the soul of our universe and is believed to bring strength, energy, and prosperity t...
160600.00 ₹
6 months ago Jewelry - Watches New Sell 17 people viewed
160600.00 ₹
160600.00 ₹
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