Gujarati is an old dialect that is dependent upon the Indo-Aryan dialects. The language is one of the official languages of India and is spoken extensively by Gujarati people. Gujarati people. Gujarati is the 6th most widely used language in India by several local native speakers. It is also spoken by 55.5 million native speakers, which is approximately 4.5 percent of the total Indian populace. Gujarati is the 26th largest spoken language in the world by several local people who have spoken it since its introduction in 2007. According to a study by British philosopher and antiquarian William Tisdall, a pioneer researcher of Gujarati grammar, Three distinct varieties of Gujarati include a traditional "Hindu" voc...
Gujarati is an old dialect that is dependent upon the Indo-Aryan dialects. The language is one of the official languages of India and is spoken extensively by Gujarati people. Gujarati people. Gujarati is the 6th most widely used language in India by several local native speakers. It is also spoken by 55.5 million native speakers, which is approximately 4.5 percent of the total Indian populace. Gujarati is the 26th largest spoken language in the world by several local people who have spoken it since its introduction in 2007. According to a study by British philosopher and antiquarian William Tisdall, a pioneer researcher of Gujarati grammar, Three distinct varieties of Gujarati include a traditional "Hindu" vocabulary and a dialect called Parsi' and a dialect called 'Muslim.'
DUBnSUB is a post-production agency with a huge collection of skilled Gujarati voice-over talent and a vast network of studios that record using the latest technology in virtually every country.