Never pay down a deposit in a bank account until you have met the seller, seen signed a purchase agreement.
No serious private advertisers ask for a down payment before you meet.
Receiving an email with an in-scanned ID does not mean that you have identified the sender. You do this on the spot, when you sign a purchase agreement.
FedEx, UPS, DHL, and other customs brokers will decline to act Importer of Record (IOR) with US Customs and Border Protection on any entry involving a Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) U.S. Agent. The exporter must act as IOR. The exporter is required to complete and sign the CBP Power of Attorney form. A U.S. Customs Surety Bond is also required....
Ad700Management es tu socio ideal para la Gestión SEO en Andorra, ofreciendo estrategias personalizadas para maximizar la visibilidad de tu negocio en línea. En un mercado competitivo como el andorrano, destacarte en los motores de búsqueda es esencial, y nuestro equipo experto en optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO) te ayudará a lograrlo. Con un enfoqu...