Empowerment of women is the desperate need for the hour. Women’s equality is a universal phenomenon but in the country of India, women are not treated equally in society. while men enjoy many privileges. on the other hand, women are restricted in many fields of life like education, jobs, and basic human rights are too not offered. In the modern year of 2022, India is far far behind in women empowerment compared to many developing countries like America and UK.
women empowerment is supporting women to grow so they can stand equal with men. many government organizations have been created to support women all over Indian government organizations are very low-funded and they cannot reach every woman in urban and...
Empowerment of women is the desperate need for the hour. Women’s equality is a universal phenomenon but in the country of India, women are not treated equally in society. while men enjoy many privileges. on the other hand, women are restricted in many fields of life like education, jobs, and basic human rights are too not offered. In the modern year of 2022, India is far far behind in women empowerment compared to many developing countries like America and UK.
women empowerment is supporting women to grow so they can stand equal with men. many government organizations have been created to support women all over Indian government organizations are very low-funded and they cannot reach every woman in urban and most importantly rural villages. here NGO non-government organizations come into the picture. they are created and funded by Nobel citizens of India. they are founded for a soul goal in the field. women’s rights, women’s education, and women’s safety. women need to have a proper idea about their concerns before reaching out to the NGO as to which NGO to choose will fulfill their needs and help them grow further. They are the driving force of society and influence many communities, so the members influenced started donating to their noble cause and also volunteering in their activities.
Role of NGOs in Women’s Empowerment
The Role of every NGO working towards women’s betterment is first to reach out to the woman who needs their help. They have to inspire women to come up with help for the below issues –
1. Providing knowledge on maternal health, and safe childbirth
2. Education and help with nutrition and childcare
3. Education of the girl child (nearly 30% of girl children drop out of school before being a teen)
4. Toilets in schools and public places
5. Free legal help and guidance for victims of abuse (sexual harassment, acid attack, child marriage, dowry harassment)
6. Savings for college education for the girl child
7. Training in day-to-day livelihood skills
8. Financing for small businesses, through SHGs (Self Help Group)
9. Shelter for victims of domestic violence and abuse of any kind
10. Gathering and fighting for women’s rights