Energy healing is a therapy to restore balance and feelings in our body ,mind, spirit and soul.This therapy is natural and holistic therapy. This therapy is done by hands.This therapy removes the blockage in our physical and mentally body or provides us with positive energy and positive feelings. Energy healing helps us to reduce traumas attack,stress and depression.This therapy also helps us build our mind and body strong or calm.The goal of energy healing is restore the balance of energy to support physical ,mental and emotional well being.
There are many types of Energy Healing -
Reiki - This is a Japanese technique where therapists place their hands on our body to produce energy .
EFT Tapping- Emotional...
Energy healing is a therapy to restore balance and feelings in our body ,mind, spirit and soul.This therapy is natural and holistic therapy. This therapy is done by hands.This therapy removes the blockage in our physical and mentally body or provides us with positive energy and positive feelings. Energy healing helps us to reduce traumas attack,stress and depression.This therapy also helps us build our mind and body strong or calm.The goal of energy healing is restore the balance of energy to support physical ,mental and emotional well being.
There are many types of Energy Healing -
Reiki - This is a Japanese technique where therapists place their hands on our body to produce energy .
EFT Tapping- Emotional freedom technique is an alternative treatment to reduce physical and emotional stress.
Touch Therapy- In this therapy therapist laying the hands on our forehead,hands and our back.Touch therapy reduces our stress and internal body pain.
Chakra balancing- It is an Indian therapy. It is believed there are 7 chakras and energy centers in our body.
Crystal balancing- Crystal balancing is a very simple process .In this therapy we wear precious stones ,spiritual necklaces,rings to produce positive energy and reduce negativity and anger.
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