Fight back against invasive fire ants in Gold Coast with Termicide’s expert pest management services. Our experienced team specializes in the identification, treatment, and prevention of fire ant infestations, ensuring your property is safe and pest-free. Using environmentally friendly methods, we effectively eliminate fire ants while protecting your yard and surrounding areas. Don’t let fire ants take over—contact us today for a thorough inspection and customized treatment plan.
Phone: (1800 737843)
Address: 7 Technology Drive,Arundel QLD 4214,Australia
Time: Monday – Friday (Open 6:30am)(Close 5pm)
Fight back against invasive fire ants in Gold Coast with Termicide’s expert pest management services. Our experienced team specializes in the identification, treatment, and prevention of fire ant infestations, ensuring your property is safe and pest-free. Using environmentally friendly methods, we effectively eliminate fire ants while protecting your yard and surrounding areas. Don’t let fire ants take over—contact us today for a thorough inspection and customized treatment plan.
Phone: (1800 737843)
Address: 7 Technology Drive,Arundel QLD 4214,Australia
Time: Monday – Friday (Open 6:30am)(Close 5pm)