Customers who pay for a product or service have the right to sue if they receive poor-quality goods or services. This is why the government provides consumers with a variety of legal rights and protections to file grievances, such as the ability to use an online complaint form to file a complaint with a business or service provider in a consumer court forum. If a firm ignores a legal warning to rectify the problem, a complaint is frequently filed, and for this, relevant information with documents must be supplied while registering an online consumer complaint form to be filed in India's consumer court.
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Customers who pay for a product or service have the right to sue if they receive poor-quality goods or services. This is why the government provides consumers with a variety of legal rights and protections to file grievances, such as the ability to use an online complaint form to file a complaint with a business or service provider in a consumer court forum. If a firm ignores a legal warning to rectify the problem, a complaint is frequently filed, and for this, relevant information with documents must be supplied while registering an online consumer complaint form to be filed in India's consumer court.
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