Customers are the king of the market, yet many businesses exploit them by offering fake goods or services or deceiving them in various ways. Therefore, in order to protect customer interests and make it easier for consumers to file consumer complaints about this kind of grievance, the government establishes a body for the prompt and efficient administration and resolution of consumer disputes. You can contact our top online consumer complaint consultant if you require any form of assistance when filling out such a complaint.
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Customers are the king of the market, yet many businesses exploit them by offering fake goods or services or deceiving them in various ways. Therefore, in order to protect customer interests and make it easier for consumers to file consumer complaints about this kind of grievance, the government establishes a body for the prompt and efficient administration and resolution of consumer disputes. You can contact our top online consumer complaint consultant if you require any form of assistance when filling out such a complaint.
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contact us -: +91 8750008585,
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