"Cyber Threat Intelligence: Understanding and Mitigating Risks" is a specialized course designed to equip cybersecurity professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify, analyze, and respond to cyber threats effectively. Participants will learn how to gather and interpret threat intelligence from various sources, including dark web monitoring, threat feeds, and open-source intelligence. The course covers techniques for threat modeling, assessing the severity of threats, and implementing proactive measures to mitigate risks to organizational assets and data. By mastering these skills, participants can strengthen their organization's cybersecurity posture and effectively protect against evolving c...
"Cyber Threat Intelligence: Understanding and Mitigating Risks" is a specialized course designed to equip cybersecurity professionals with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify, analyze, and respond to cyber threats effectively. Participants will learn how to gather and interpret threat intelligence from various sources, including dark web monitoring, threat feeds, and open-source intelligence. The course covers techniques for threat modeling, assessing the severity of threats, and implementing proactive measures to mitigate risks to organizational assets and data. By mastering these skills, participants can strengthen their organization's cybersecurity posture and effectively protect against evolving cyber threats in today's digital landscape.