Rana Group is trusted and Best TMT Saria Company in India with a quality service. We are manufacturing and supplying high-quality of TMT Steel Bar, TMT Saria Bar and TMT Rod that is widely used in in general purpose concrete reinforcement structures, bridges and flyovers, dams, thermal and hydel power plants, industrial structures, high-rise buildings, underground platforms in metro railway and rapid transport system
TMT bars are more resistant to natural calamities like earthquakes since they have a higher tensile strength and elongation
Contact Details: -
Rana Group
Rana Group is trusted and Best TMT Saria Company in India with a quality service. We are manufacturing and supplying high-quality of TMT Steel Bar, TMT Saria Bar and TMT Rod that is widely used in in general purpose concrete reinforcement structures, bridges and flyovers, dams, thermal and hydel power plants, industrial structures, high-rise buildings, underground platforms in metro railway and rapid transport system
TMT bars are more resistant to natural calamities like earthquakes since they have a higher tensile strength and elongation
Contact Details: -
Rana Group
Website: - https://www.ranatmt.com/
Address: Khasra No. 769, Bypass Road, Vill. Sandhawali Muzaffarnagar (U.P.) India
Pin code: 251003
Mobile: +91-7500500012