Basmati Rice Exporter

Other Services 24 views New Sell ID: 30266

Published on 2023/05/11


Basmati rice is renowned for its distinct fragrance and delicate flavour. It has a nutty fragrance that is often described as similar to popcorn or jasmine. allows the buyers to procure from a wide range standard to premium quality like the 1121 Basmati Rice directly from completely verified Basmati Rice Exporters or sellers. To get more info… Click on given link and visit our site For More Information Contact Us Contact Number - +91-8595957412, +91-120-4148741 Email Id - Address - Green Boulevard, Plot No. B-9/A, 6th Floor, Tower B, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201309 (India).


Green Boulevard, Plot No. B-9/A, 6th Floor, Tower B, Sector 62, Noida, U.P
Uttar Pradesh
28.58, 77.33
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