Homeopathic remedies are individualized for each person, taking into account his or her physical, mental, and emotional state. Based on such a holistic approach, one acts to stimulate the healing mechanism inherent in the body. The practitioners, after taking a detailed history from the patient to understand the presenting symptoms and health in general, prescribe remedies.
Now, homeopathy is controversial, and the subject of fierce debate among medical authorities throughout the world. Nevertheless, its users have reported good results, especially for the treatment of chronic conditions and for overall health. Nevertheless, in the face of such a great wave of skepticism, homeopathy is highly accepted among cou...
Homeopathic remedies are individualized for each person, taking into account his or her physical, mental, and emotional state. Based on such a holistic approach, one acts to stimulate the healing mechanism inherent in the body. The practitioners, after taking a detailed history from the patient to understand the presenting symptoms and health in general, prescribe remedies.
Now, homeopathy is controversial, and the subject of fierce debate among medical authorities throughout the world. Nevertheless, its users have reported good results, especially for the treatment of chronic conditions and for overall health. Nevertheless, in the face of such a great wave of skepticism, homeopathy is highly accepted among countries worldwide, and user numbers by its complementary or alternative use have been increasing.