Ativan Medication belongs to the Lorazepam which is a Class of Drug Benzodiazepines. It basically acts on the brain & nerve cells i.e., Central Nervous System. Ativan is used in the Short Term approach. It is used to control anxiety that’s why it is widely used in this field. You can take this Medication Orally. The amount of dose depends on your age & medical condition. Also remember that Ativan can’t be used without Prescription because of its Addiction. There are some Benefits of Ativan like it reduces many symptoms including Panic attacks , Sleeplessness & restlessness. There are also some Side-effects of Ativan like Overdose, Addiction, Depression, Memory Loss & reduction of emotional r...
Ativan Medication belongs to the Lorazepam which is a Class of Drug Benzodiazepines. It basically acts on the brain & nerve cells i.e., Central Nervous System. Ativan is used in the Short Term approach. It is used to control anxiety that’s why it is widely used in this field. You can take this Medication Orally. The amount of dose depends on your age & medical condition. Also remember that Ativan can’t be used without Prescription because of its Addiction. There are some Benefits of Ativan like it reduces many symptoms including Panic attacks , Sleeplessness & restlessness. There are also some Side-effects of Ativan like Overdose, Addiction, Depression, Memory Loss & reduction of emotional responsiveness.