"Iris Violet" perfume is a captivating blend, likely featuring the timeless elegance of iris harmonized with the vibrant allure of violet. Crafted with precision, this fragrance promises a delicate dance of floral sophistication. The iris, known for its powdery and graceful aroma, likely intertwines seamlessly with the sweet and enchanting notes of violet. P...
"Black Muscs" by Alexandre J, a unisex fragrance, weaves a captivating tale of mystery and allure. Meticulously crafted, it likely intertwines deep musky notes with enigmatic accords, creating a scent that transcends traditional gender boundaries. The name suggests a bold and seductive character, embodying Alexandre J's dedication to unique and luxurious sce...
"Argentic" by Alexandre J is a captivating fragrance for women, marrying sophistication with timeless allure. Crafted with precision, the name hints at a silver-like quality, suggesting a blend of modern elegance. Anticipate a harmonious composition of notes, likely featuring delicate florals with woody or oriental undertones. This perfume embodies Alexandre...
"Altesse Mysore" by Alexandre is a fragrance that whispers tales of elegance and exotic allure. With a name suggesting regal highness and the inclusion of Mysore sandalwood, it promises a journey into opulence. This perfume likely unfolds with the richness of Mysore sandalwood, weaving in velvety floral notes and perhaps a touch of oriental spices for a refi...
115.00 $
1 year agoHealth - Beauty - Fitness17 people viewed