FedEx, UPS, DHL, and other customs brokers will decline to act Importer of Record (IOR) with US Customs and Border Protection on any entry involving a Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) U.S. Agent. The exporter must act as IOR. The exporter is required to complete and sign the CBP Power of Attorney form. A U.S. Customs Surety Bond is also required....
Assurez-vous que vos produits exportés aux États-Unis, répondent à toutes les exigences de la FDA. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344 T: +1 855 510 2240 T: +44 800 610 1577
U.S. COSMETICS Imports: The American market recorded an increase of 28%. With more than €2.3bn of sales, the United States climbed to first place on the podium of countries importing French cosmetics, ahead of China. Also, the first importer of Italian cosmetics is the United States. As expected, 2024 will be a record year for the cosmetics industry. ITB HOL...
FDA: Register now, and enjoy the benefits of a FREE U.S. Agent service. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344 T: +1 855 510 2240 T: +44 800 610 1577
Una notifica preventiva deve essere inviata alla FDA per le spedizioni di prodotti alimentari destinati all’alimentazione umana o animale negli Stati Uniti e per determinate spedizioni in transito negli Stati Uniti. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344 T: +1 855 510 2240 T: +44 800 610 1577 h...
Assurez-vous que vos produits exportés aux États-Unis, répondent à toutes les exigences de la FDA. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344 T: +1 855 510 2240 T: +44 800 610 1577
If your Canadian, French or Italian company's products are any of the following, then an OTC Drug Establishment Registration is required, and not MoCRA Registration: Antidandruff shampoo Toothpaste containing fluoride Deodorant that is also antiperspirant Moisturizer and makeup marketed with sun-protection claims Sunscreens. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange...
Why engaging the services of an FDA Consultant and U.S. Agent is not just beneficial, but often imperative for businesses seeking success in the U.S. market. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344 T: +1 855 510 2240 T: +44 800 610 1577
FDA Registration Renewals of 2024. What you need to know. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344 T: +1 855 510 2240 T: +44 800 610 1577
Comment obtenir un numéro d'enregistrement FDA en 3 étapes simples. Consultez un Agent Américain ou Consultant bilingue de la FDA, pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur les exigences spécifiques à votre produit. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344 T: +1 855 510 2240 T: +44 800 610 157...