Sale of commercial space tenant clinical lab in Hitech city, Area: 5000 Sft, 3rd floor,Price: 5.60 Crore,Rent: 2.81 Lakh,Lease: 3 Years,Advance: 15 Lakh,Increment: 5% every year,Parking: 3 Cars,UDS: 165 S.Yards. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad all locations Like Retails Showroom, ...
56000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space41 people viewed
Sale of commercial property Branded Showroom Gachibowli Main Rd, Area: 430 Yards,9000 Sft ,G+3+P, Price: 12.25 Crores, Rent: Rs: 4.50 Lakhs, Lease: 10 Years, Enhancement: 15% every 3 yeara, Parking: 10 Cars,Advance: 6 Months. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad all locations Like Reta...
122500000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space25 people viewed
Sale of commercial property with Branded retail showroom Tenant in Abids, Area:12629 sft,Ground+1 floors, Price: Rs. 28.50 Crores and also get Rent Rs.14.25 lakhs , lease:7 Years,Increment:14% Every 3 years, Advance:6 months, Parking :16 cars, UDS:428 S.YARDS. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greate...
285000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space41 people viewed
"Sale of commercial Space with tenant in kokapet main rd, Area: 4820 Sft, 2,3 and 4 floors,Price: 6.25 Crore,Rent: 2.92 Lakh. 8 year lease, 2 year laok in, 6month advanace, 5% every year increamnet,4 car parking. " Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad all locations Like Retails Showroo...
62500000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space32 people viewed
Sale of commercial Property with Branded fitness center tenant Madhapur main Road, Area: 5750 Sft, 3rd Floor,Price: 6 Crore,Rent: 2.94 Lakh,Lease: 8 Years,Increment: 5% every year,Advance: 6 Months,Parking: 4 Cars,UDS: 160 S.Yards. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad all locations Lik...
Check with seller
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space39 people viewed
Sale of commercial property with Branded indian logistic company in Yusufguda , Area : 4000 sft , Ground floor, Price: 6Crores and also get Rs. 2.80 Lakhs Rent, 10 Years : lease , Increment :15% every 3 years , Advance: 6 Months, UDS: 200 S.Yards. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad a...
60000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space50 people viewed
Sale of commercial Property with furniture showroom Tenant in Gachibowli Main Rd ,Area:404 S.yards, 9300 Sft, cellar, Ground +2 floor + terres ,Price:22.50Crores, Rent: 11 Lakhs , Lease: 9 YearsLock in: 3 years, Advance:6 Months, Enhancement: 5%Every Years Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hy...
225000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space30 people viewed
Sale of commercial Property with Branded Educational Institute Tenant A.S Rao Nagar Main Rd, Area: 350 S.YARDS,12000SftCellar+G+2 Floors,Price: Rs. 8.10 Crores, Rent: 2.50 Lakhs , Lease: 12 Years,Advance:6 Months, Enhancement: 12%Every 3 Years. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad all ...
81000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space27 people viewed
Sale of commercial property with Branded retail showroom Tenant in Abids, Area:12629 sft,Ground+1 floors, Price: Rs. 28.50 Crores and also get Rent Rs.14.25 lakhs , lease:7 Years,Increment:14% Every 3 years, Advance:6 months, Parking :16 cars, UDS:428 S.YARDS. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greate...
285000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space27 people viewed
Sale of commercial space with Bank Tenant in Kompally,Area: 2605 Sft, Ground+1st floor (Gr-1925 sft+ 1st floor -680 sft),Price: 4 Crores,Rent: Rs: 1,47,879/- , Lease 3 years, Advance:6 months. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad all locations Like Retails Showroom, office Spaces, Bank...
40000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space74 people viewed
Sale of commercial Building in gandhi nagar near RTC 'X' RD , Area: 108 S. Yards 5000 Sft, Ground +4floors ,Price:2.75 crs,Rent: 1.54 Lakh. (Prasent Rent 1.29L+ 25K Expected rent) 1 Shutter vacant), Lease: 5 years, Advance: 5.50 Lakh. ,Increment: 5% every years . Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Gre...
27500000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space43 people viewed
Sale of commercial property With play school& other tenant in Nizampet , Area: 4000 Sft, 4th floor,Price: 2.20 Crore,Rent: 1 Lakh,Lease: 3 Years,Advance: 6 Months,Increment: 5% every year,UDS: 100 S.Yards,Parking: 2 Cars. Ours is OM SHANTHI PROPERTY BAZAAR... We are property dealers. We have so many properties in Greater Hyderabad all locations Like Reta...
22000000.00 ₹
1 year agoOffice - Commercial Space37 people viewed