Did you know that data silos aren’t just an inconvenience but a trillion-dollar problem? A recent IDC study estimates they cost the US economy alone $3.1 trillion annually. Another study by Experian found that 40% of business-critical data is locked in silos, preventing organizations from making data-driven decisions. Read more on https://www.perspectium.com...
Following ITSM best practices is crucial in today’s digital age. IT Service Management (ITSM) platforms and the data they generate and store play a crucial role in ensuring organizations can deliver high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective IT services. However, implementing ITSM and utilizing ITSM data effectively requires a deep understanding of ITSM bes...
Integrating ServiceNow with Business Intelligence solutions can help organizations extract more insight and value from the platform. ServiceNow is widely known as an IT service management platform, designed to streamline workflows, automate processes, and improve operational efficiency. While the platform provides some built-in analytics and reporting capabi...
ServiceNow GenAI capabilities bring the organization closer to its goal of providing a “platform of platforms”. However, the platform’s AI capabilities are not limitless. A comprehensive understanding of ServiceNow’s GenAI—its strengths and limitations—is essential for organizations seeking to realise the full potential of AI in the enterprise. Read more on ...
A workflow refers to the sequence of processes required to complete a task. Typically, workflows are linear or cyclical. Linear workflows run through processes in a particular order of steps before they are complete. While cyclical workflows also follow a particular order, upon completing the last process, the workflow starts again from the first step. Read ...
If you’re desperate for a guaranteed way to speed up a ServiceNow table search, you’re not alone. In the fast-paced world of IT service management, efficiency is key, and slow table searches in ServiceNow can significantly impact productivity. Whether you’re a ServiceNow administrator, developer, or user, finding ways to optimize your platform’s search capab...
After a company builds a ServiceNow integration, it may seem like the integration maintenance is manageable. But maintaining that integration often takes more effort than expected. A ServiceNow integration requires about 350 hours of maintenance per year, according to Perspectium’s survey of ServiceNow customers. Read more on https://www.perspectium.com/blog...
RPO (Recovery Point Objective) and RTO (Recovery Time Objective) are essential concepts in disaster recovery. An awareness of RPO and RTO helps organizations define recovery goals and refine the strategy in place to ensure they are met to mitigate the impact of disaster. Read more on https://www.perspectium.com/blog/rpo-and-rto-in-servicenow/
Replicate over 20 million ServiceNow records in MySQL every day, in-bulk, or dynamically without slowing down ServiceNow. Read more on https://www.perspectium.com/connect-servicenow-to-mysql/
Using ServiceNow backups to train AI models is one of many inventive approaches organizations are employing to provide AI solutions with large amounts of quality data. Read more on https://www.perspectium.com/blog/servicenow-backups-to-train-ai/
Using ServiceNow backups to train AI models is one of many inventive approaches organizations are employing to provide AI solutions with large amounts of quality data. This blog post explores why ServiceNow backups in particular are useful for training AI models and the challenges organizations face when adopting the approach. Read more on https://www.perspe...