Yes, you can cancel your trip on Expedia, but whether you receive a refund depends on the type of booking and the specific cancellation policies of the airline, hotel, or rental company. Fully refundable bookings are more likely to qualify for a refund. For non-refundable bookings, you may receive a credit for future travel. To cancel, log in to your Expedia...
Yes, you can cancel your trip on Expedia, but whether you receive a refund depends on the type of booking and the specific cancellation policies of the airline, hotel, or rental company. Fully refundable bookings are more likely to qualify for a refund. For non-refundable bookings, you may receive a credit for future travel. To cancel, log in to your Expedia...
Yes, you can cancel your trip on Expedia, but whether you receive a refund depends on the type of booking and the specific cancellation policies of the airline, hotel, or rental company. Fully refundable bookings are more likely to qualify for a refund. For non-refundable bookings, you may receive a credit for future travel. To cancel, log in to your Expedia...
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