Can you cancel and get a refund on Expedia? Yes,Expedia has a 24-hour cancellation policy+1-800-651-8918 that allows you ₊₁₋₈₀₀₋₆₅₁₋₈₉₁₈ to get a full refund if you cancel within 24 hours of booking. To process a cancellation or request a refund, reach out to Expedia's customer service at Does Expedia still have a 24-hour cancellation policy? Does Expedia ha...
What is the cancellation policy for flights with Expedia? Flight cancellations through Expedia +1-800-651-8918 (US) or +44-203-376-3406 (UK) depend on the airline's policy. Some airlines may provide partial refunds or travel credits, while others may have strict non-refundable rules. For more information, call Expedia customer support at +1-800-651-8918 (US)...