Male and female registered teacup yorkie puppies up for a good home. They are brother and sister, both have had their second series of puppy shots, been dewormed, and come from a local award-winning AKC breeder. The little boy is Jaspa and currently weighs 1.2 lbs . The little girl is Natty, and currently weighs 2 lbs. Both are potty , and can be adopted sep...
Male and female registered teacup yorkie puppies up for a good home. They are brother and sister, both have had their second series of puppy shots, been dewormed, and come from a local award-winning AKC breeder. The little boy is Jaspa and currently weighs 1.2 lbs . The little girl is Natty, and currently weighs 2 lbs. Both are potty , and can be adopted sep...
Male and female registered teacup yorkie puppies up for a good home. They are brother and sister, both have had their second series of puppy shots, been dewormed, and come from a local award-winning AKC breeder. The little boy is Jaspa and currently weighs 1.2 lbs . The little girl is Natty, and currently weighs 2 lbs. Both are potty , and can be adopted sep...
Male and female registered teacup yorkie puppies up for a good home. They are brother and sister, both have had their second series of puppy shots, been dewormed, and come from a local award-winning AKC breeder. The little boy is Jaspa and currently weighs 1.2 lbs . The little girl is Natty, and currently weighs 2 lbs. Both are potty , and can be adopted sep...
Male and female registered teacup yorkie puppies up for a good home. They are brother and sister, both have had their second series of puppy shots, been dewormed, and come from a local award-winning AKC breeder. The little boy is Jaspa and currently weighs 1.2 lbs . The little girl is Natty, and currently weighs 2 lbs. Both are potty , and can be adopted sep...
Male and female registered teacup yorkie puppies up for a good home. They are brother and sister, both have had their second series of puppy shots, been dewormed, and come from a local award-winning AKC breeder. The little boy is Jaspa and currently weighs 1.2 lbs . The little girl is Natty, and currently weighs 2 lbs. Both are potty , and can be adopted sep...
From sophisticated dog dresses and outfits to casual jackets and t-shirts, a wide variety of clothing is available at BRUBONCHI for the four-legged fashionista. FREE UK Delivery For Orders Over £50. Buy now!
With silky coats, charming personalities, and even temperament, Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds around the world. Particularly famous in the US, Retrievers are known to be playful and spirited dogs that bark less and love spending time with their owners. If you are looking for a quality Golden Retriever puppy for sale in India, you h...
Are you looking for a furry friend to add to your family? Look no further than Cozzy Pets! We have the cutest Maltese puppies available for adoption. Our puppies are healthy, happy, and full of love. Text: +1(505) 278-9991 Visit our website today to find your perfect pup! #MaltesePuppies #AdoptDontShop #CozzyPets
I am so proud of my beautiful girl she has had three beautiful French Bulldog puppies two boys and one girl both mum and dad are AKC registered . Puppies are being raised in our family home and will be well socialised and used of everyday noises. Puppies are being wormed 2,5,8 weeks with panacur and will have first vaccination microchipped and vet checked be...
We have male and female 10 weeks old Alaskan malamute puppies for sale, They are vaccinated up to date, home train on their shots and are very friendly with kids and other and other animals they love playing with toys.
Our puppies never show aggression in any shape or form, however, do not confuse aggression, with the ability to stand up to another dog, as our puppies will stand their ground as well as the next dog. They are also very good watchdogs and will give the impression of fierceness to ward off strangers, however, once aware there is no danger, will usually lick t...