Kripalu Maharaj, also known as Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, was a prominent spiritual leader in India. He was born in 1922 in a small village in Uttar Pradesh and spent his life spreading the teachings of Bhakti Yoga. His legacy continues to impact contemporary spirituality, as his teachings are still studied and followed by many today.
Radha Madhav Dham is the largest Hindu temple and ashram complex in the United States. With the Gracious blessing of Shri Jagadguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj, Radha Madhav Dham was established as the main ashram of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat in the West.
Earplugs are commonly used by people who work in noisy environments such as construction sites, factories, and airports. They are also used by musicians and concert-goers to protect their hearing from loud music. Additionally, earplugs are used by swimmers and divers to prevent water from entering the ear canal and causing infections.