De Amerikaanse Food and Drug Administration (FDA) zal een registratie niet voltooien of een registratienummer verstrekken totdat ITB HOLDINGS LLC bevestigt dat het ermee heeft ingestemd om op te treden als de Amerikaanse agent voor een buitenlands bedrijf. ITB HOLDINGS LLC 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 2300 Orlando, FL 32801 United States T: +1 855 389 7344...
At Kronos Group, we’re a strong team of 120+ professionals, dedicated to helping you transform your business. Our services span the fields of procurement, finance, and project management, and we are committed to constant growth and innovation. We believe in leveraging the power of digitalisation and its ability to optimise every single aspect of your busines...
Procurement consulting is a highly sought-after service by organisations that strive to revamp their existing procurement processes and create a more sustainable system that is resilient amidst the volatile business landscape. When it comes to developing the procurement function, a business must juggle a host of priorities, stakeholders, and needs. Getting i...
At Kronos Group, we’re a strong team of 120+ professionals, dedicated to helping you transform your business. Our services span the fields of procurement, finance, and project management, and we are committed to constant growth and innovation. We believe in leveraging the power of digitalisation and its ability to optimise every single aspect of your busines...