Yoshkar-Ola, also known as the "red city" in the Mari language, serves as the capital of the Mari El Republic. Prior to 1919, it was renowned as "Tsaryovokokshaysk," and from 1919 to 1927, it bore the name "Krasnokokshaysk," a homage to the Malaya Kokshaga River coursing through its heart. With a temperate continental climate, Yoshkar-Ola boasts a rich histo...
Established in 1918, the Tbilisi State Medical University Faculty of Medicine (TSMU) stands as a distinguished public institution with a century-long legacy. The university is deeply committed to its role in healthcare provision and has cultivated a reputation for fostering top-tier academics enriched with knowledge and research capabilities. As an autonomou...
David Tvildiani Medical University AIETI Medical School is situated in Tbilisi, Georgia, which also happens to be the capital and largest city of the country. Tbilisi offers a lower cost of living compared to many other countries, making it feasible for the average person to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Georgia boasts a moderate climate, particularly du...
China Medical University (CMU), situated in Liaoning's Shenyang city, traces its origins back to its founding in 1931 in Ruijin, Jiangxi province. The university boasts a captivating historical background that lends it a distinctive allure. In the past, China was geographically split into North and South regions, each with its own capital city to ensure effi...
"Smolensk State Medical University (SSMU Russia) stands out as a preferred choice among Indian students seeking medical education in Russia. Established in 1920, the university boasts a decade-long tradition of excellence in its medical programs. Currently, SSMU Russia hosts 850 Indian students enrolled in various medical courses. With 1,500 approved medical...
"The name "Nanjing" holds a straightforward meaning in Chinese, where "Nan" translates to south and "Jing" signifies capital. Historically, China was divided into North China and South China, each with its respective capital city to efficiently govern the vast nation. Beijing served as the northern capital, while Nanjing held the position of the southern cap...
"Osh International Medical University (ISMU) stands as a prominent private medical institution located in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Established in 1992, it has swiftly risen to become one of the leading medical universities in the country. ISMU offers a comprehensive 6-year MBBS program delivered entirely in English. Osh State Medical University represents a relative...
"Osh International Medical University (ISMU) stands as a prominent private medical institution located in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Established in 1992, it has swiftly risen to become one of the leading medical universities in the country. ISMU offers a comprehensive 6-year MBBS program delivered entirely in English. Osh State Medical University represents a relative...
"Kyrgyzstan State Medical Academy (KSMA) is a public university situated in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Established in 1939 as the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute, it was later renamed in 1992 to honor the renowned Kyrgyz physician and scientist, Akhunbay Sultanaliev. KSMA stands as one of the largest medical universities in Kyrgyzstan, boasting an enrollment of ove...
"The Faculty of Medicine at Caucasus International University is located in Tbilisi, Georgia, the capital and largest city of the country. Positioned to the south of Turkey and east of Azerbaijan, Tbilisi offers a relatively affordable cost of living, allowing residents to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Georgia generally experiences mild climatic conditions ...
"Crimean Federal University, now under the federal jurisdiction of Russia, has regained popularity among Indian students. Located in Simferopol, the capital of the Crimean region, the university traces its roots back to the establishment of Crimean State Medical University, which celebrated its centenary in 2014 with the transition to Crimea Federal Universi...
"Opting for MBBS at Russia National Research Medical University presents an excellent choice for students seeking to enroll in MCI-approved medical colleges or universities in Russia. Russia NRM University stands out as the topmost institution with the highest grade bestowed by the WHO. Formerly known as Russia State Medical University (RSMU), this universit...