Blue Sapphire Stone, also known as Neelam Stone, is a prestigious and highly valuable gemstone governed by Saturn. This precious natural gemstone from the corundum family is renowned for its ability to be framed as the most powerful stone that helps in pulling off wealth, success, honour, happiness and fame. The Neelam Stone Price varies depending on factors...
126600.00 ₹
4 months agoJewelry - WatchesNewSell13 people viewed
Amber is a fossilized tree resin that is often used as a gemstone in jewelry making. It has a warm, golden color and is prized for its beauty and rarity. Amber is formed over millions of years as the resin from ancient trees hardens and becomes trapped in sediment, where it undergoes a process of fossilization. Amber is found in many parts of the world, incl...
13000.00 ₹
6 months agoJewelry - WatchesNewSell21 people viewed