MIEPL make High Safety Pressure Gauge - Solid Front With Blow-out are based on the proven Bourdon tube measuring system. On pressurization, the deflection of the Bourdon tube, proportional to the incident pressure, is transmitted to the movement via a link and indicated. The modular design enables a multitude of combinations of case materials, process connec...
For instance, a company that often handles confidential financial information could require a headset with additional encryption for safe calls. Invest in Dasscom company’s call center headphones built with strong compatible material. This headset's leatherette ear cushions and incredibly light headband combine comfort and functionality. For more details vis...
Keeping the conversation going may depend on choosing the proper VoIP gateway provider, especially if your workforce depends on excellent audio and video features. Connect with the Dasscom firm if you are looking for voip gateways in India. Our creative products, affordable prices, limitless services, and quick delivery have all contributed to our developmen...
The perceived volume of vocals, musical instruments, other sound sources, or recorded sounds or music is increased by the PA system. Hubris company’s advanced paging systems such as ‘Zycoo’ works on LAN and can be connected to the network allowing the user to broadcast the message to multiple locations or a specific location at the same time. To make a purch...
EduScope have kept tabular head and foot of the beds at unequal heights with vertical tubes supports. Backrest and kneerest section maneuvered by two separate screws. Fowler bed with various body positions. Hospital Fowler Bed are made of strong and precise steel tubes mounted on swiveling castorsor rubber stumps.
We are the leading supplier of All Stainless Steel Pressure Gauge made available to our clients at competitive prices. Liquid & Gaseous mediums,Corrosive environments,Oil & Gas application,Nuclear power plants,All SS measuring system,Socket-case, Direct welded,Dry / Liquid filled. For More Information visit :- www.indiapressuregauge.com Our E-mail Ad...
"MIEPL make All Stainless Steel Pressure Gauge - External Zero Adjustment Generally Pressure Gauges Differential pressure are provided with micrometer type pointer, by which zero can be adjusted after opening the Bezel & Glass. However for Gauges with Liquid (Glycerine / Silicone Oil) filled case, this arrangement is practically not suitable, since the f...