They are registered and come with papers, shots and health guarantees. The pups are raised in a loving home and are ready to meet a new family. teacup size 3-4 ibs at maturity,13 weeks old, loves kisses and cuddles,Comes with 1 full year health warranty against life threatening and congenital diseases.
I have a male and female Yorkie puppies to offer.they are well trained and very sociable. They have been vet checked, dewrmed and current on their shots. They will make a very good family addition and will fill your family with moments of joy and happiness.
Gorgeous Tiny Yorkie Puppies For Adoption. Very Playful and friendly. Home breed and well socialized. Comes with AKC Registration, Pedigree, vaccination card and. Very small, short legged and short muzzle. Perfect apple dome head. Wormed de flead and toilet trained. Fully vaccinated.
Yorkie puppies Males and Females 11 weeks old, both parents are on site, 1st set of shots and dewormed. email for more information.
Purebred tiny teacup Yorkie puppies. Have you been thinking about a new puppy for yourself or your family? Well this is your opportunity to get it! My puppies will makes a perfect companion to you and your entire family.
Healthy Male and Female Yorkie Puppies for adoption, my puppies are AKC Registered and playful with kids and other house animals like cats, and will be coming along side all their vet papers, accessories and toys, If you are ready to give them a good home please do get back to us for more details and photos at
Male and Female yorkie puppy for sale. . Pups are 11 weeks old. Microchipped, wormed, vaccinated and vet checked ready to go to new home. Parents can be viewed on request. Hypoallergenic breed, very friendly and affectionate in nature, great family dog.
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