Hitech high reflectivity and high power 5730 LED square mirror COB aluminum pcb with driver integrated surface light source, design the light-emitting area and shape size of the light source according to the product shape and structure. https://hitechcircuits.com/
Hitech’s 4 layer semi hole multilayer pcb with immersion gold surface treatment which made of FR-4 Tg150 Halogen free. Mainly used in consumer electronics, any item of multilayer pcb you need, feel free to contact us. https://hitechcircuits.com/
Do you need a Fully Automatic Injection Blow Machine? China Sanshun has you covered. Our machines are equipped with advanced features such as servo motor control, high speed injection, and precise blow moulding. Contact us:- Address: NO.202 Wuxiang Middle Road, Wuxiang Industrial Park, Yinzhou, Ningbo, China Phone: 0086-13857882024 Email: sales@china-sanshun...
Die doppelseitige Aluminium-Basisplatine ist in drei Schichten unterteilt: Die erste Schicht besteht aus Kupfer, die zweite Schicht aus Wärmedämmmaterial und die dritte Schicht aus Aluminiumplatte. Die erste Schicht ist leitend, die zweite Schicht leitet die von der Leitung erzeugte Wärme schnell an die Aluminiumplatte weiter und die dritte Schicht überträgt...
Hitech kupferbasierte Leiterplatte besteht aus elektronischem Glasfasergewebe oder anderen Verstärkungsmaterialien, die mit Harz und Einzelharz als isolierende Verbindungsschicht imprägniert sind, wodurch die Leistung, die Herstellungsqualität, das Herstellungsniveau, die Herstellungskosten, die Zuverlässigkeit und die Stabilität der Leiterplatte verbessert ...
Bergquist Aluminium-Leiterplatten, hergestellt von Hitech, die Thermal Clad-Leiterplattenmaterialien sind von The Bergquist Company in vier verschiedenen Wärmeleitfähigkeiten erhältlich: High Power Lighting (HPL), High Temperature (HT), Low Modulus (LM) und Multi-Purpose (MP ). Wenn Sie einen Leiterplattenhersteller auf Aluminiumbasis von Bergquist in China ...
As leading one-stop PCB Assembly services provider in China, Hitech Group offers high quality, cost effective and express PCB board products and provides PCB manufacturing, electronics assembly manufacturing, components sourcing, Box build assembly and PCBA testing services for our customers. For full turn-key circuit board assembly, we take care of the enti...
The application field and demand for thick copper plates have been rapidly expanded in recent years, and it has become a “hot” PCB variety with good market development prospects. The vast majority of heavy copper PCBs are high-current substrates (current x voltage = power). The main application areas of high-current PCBs are two major areas: power modules an...
The circuit board before the assembly of electric components is called Printed Circuit Board. After the soldering of all the elements on the board, it is known as Printed circuit Board Assembled, we called PCB assembly. The complete process of component’s assembly is called Printed Circuit Assembly or Printed Circuit Board assembly or PCB board assembly. In ...
The double-layer PCB board with copper on both sides and metallized holes is being called double-layer board. The circuit board on both sides is covered with circuit boards. However, if the wires on both sides want to be used, the appropriate circuit connection between the two sides should be first provided. Today the double sided printed circuit board techn...