Cats Eye Stone, also known as Lehsunia Gemstone, is under the influence of the planet Ketu, and it goes by various names like Vaiduryam and Vaidooryam in Hindi. Available in captivating shades like honey, grey, black, and yellowish-green, this semi-precious gem is associated with warding off negative influences caused by the Ketu planet.
By donning Cats Eye Stone, one can potentially neutralize adverse effects and invite positive energy into their lives. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, this gemstone is a symbolic shield against unfavorable celestial influences, offering both visual charm and metaphysical reassurance to those who choose to embrace it.
1185-87, Shop No. 9 Gems Plaza Chhatta Madan Gopal, Maliwara, Chandni Chowk, New Delhi, Delhi 110006
28.65195, 77.23149
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