Introducing our stunning litter of lovely dachshund puppies born on 5th April.
They will be 8 weeks and ready to leave on 31st May!
Mum Called Tessa is our family pet. She is 4 years old. Tessa is black & tan sweet and loving ❤️ pet.
Dad is a stud miniature dog KC who is a gorgeous dapple.
The puppies are being raised in our home and handled daily by myself , my partner and our two girls. The puppies love the company of children and other people. They feel comfortable with the noises of our busy household.
Your puppy will be regularly wormed. They have been microchipped, have had their first vaccination and been throughly vet checked ✔️
200 refundable deposit will secure your chosen puppy.
Introducing our stunning litter of lovely dachshund puppies born on 5th April.
They will be 8 weeks and ready to leave on 31st May!
Mum Called Tessa is our family pet. She is 4 years old. Tessa is black & tan sweet and loving ❤️ pet.
Dad is a stud miniature dog KC who is a gorgeous dapple.
The puppies are being raised in our home and handled daily by myself , my partner and our two girls. The puppies love the company of children and other people. They feel comfortable with the noises of our busy household.
Your puppy will be regularly wormed. They have been microchipped, have had their first vaccination and been throughly vet checked ✔️
200 refundable deposit will secure your chosen puppy.
Any questions please feel free to ask.
WhatsApp +13857438794