Symptoms of Depression in Women
Women are no different from men in experiencing emotional ups and downs, however hormonal fluctuations are more likely cause these changes. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, menstruation, and perimenopausal cycles can increase a woman's depression risk.
You can tell if depression is present in a loved one by identifying the depressive symptoms checklist. The symptoms that are most prevalent among women include:
1. Feelings signs of depression in elderly parents despair or sadness
Women with depression may feel hopeless or sad. Sometimes these feelings are "normal" and go along with life's ups and downs. However, if they persist and intense it's an indication o...
Symptoms of Depression in Women
Women are no different from men in experiencing emotional ups and downs, however hormonal fluctuations are more likely cause these changes. The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, menstruation, and perimenopausal cycles can increase a woman's depression risk.
You can tell if depression is present in a loved one by identifying the depressive symptoms checklist. The symptoms that are most prevalent among women include:
1. Feelings signs of depression in elderly parents despair or sadness
Women with depression may feel hopeless or sad. Sometimes these feelings are "normal" and go along with life's ups and downs. However, if they persist and intense it's an indication of depression and requires professional help.
Women who are expecting or who just had a baby may experience the "baby blues." But when the symptoms are more than mild and last for weeks it's crucial to talk to an expert. This could be a sign signs of severe depression postpartum depression or a major depression warning signs that has peripartum-onset.