It completely depends on how you view things. Some people are able to pass this exam after studying for a year, while others have been doing so for at least the last 6-7 months and are still successful on their first attempt.
The relevant period for UPSC preparation is one year, and those who can successfully decipher the UPSC syllabus are those who succeed. You must plan your preparation in accordance with the requirements of the UPSC exam.
As an illustration, I have observed that some of my friends who enrolled in the EDEN IAS 1-year foundation course for the IAS-UTKARSH have completed a full year of training during which they have set the GS modules independently and there are distinct settings for the prep...
It completely depends on how you view things. Some people are able to pass this exam after studying for a year, while others have been doing so for at least the last 6-7 months and are still successful on their first attempt.
The relevant period for UPSC preparation is one year, and those who can successfully decipher the UPSC syllabus are those who succeed. You must plan your preparation in accordance with the requirements of the UPSC exam.
As an illustration, I have observed that some of my friends who enrolled in the EDEN IAS 1-year foundation course for the IAS-UTKARSH have completed a full year of training during which they have set the GS modules independently and there are distinct settings for the preparation for the prelims and mains. I have noticed a lot of improvement in my friends' mains answers since the middle of the year. In addition, they used to engage in debate and discussion forums with rival students on various subjects, both from the static and current portions.
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