Artificial Intelligence is a course designed by our experts suitable for the age category 10 yrs to 12 yrs. The child will be introduced to artificial intelligence using various UI elements and learn on how to design and develop face recognition, speech recognition, sensors and much more through programming language.
Age: 10 to 12 years.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Batch size: 6 students per class
Mode: Live group classes.
No. of Sessions: 10.
Price: 6,499/-
To register:
#Sciencesummercampinjpnagar, #summercampinbangalore,#summercampbangalore,#summercampforchildrensinjpnagar,#summercampforkids,#Summercamp2020,#kids,#GyanPro,#STEM,#Handson,#Activityb...
Artificial Intelligence is a course designed by our experts suitable for the age category 10 yrs to 12 yrs. The child will be introduced to artificial intelligence using various UI elements and learn on how to design and develop face recognition, speech recognition, sensors and much more through programming language.
Age: 10 to 12 years.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Batch size: 6 students per class
Mode: Live group classes.
No. of Sessions: 10.
Price: 6,499/-
To register:
#Sciencesummercampinjpnagar, #summercampinbangalore,#summercampbangalore,#summercampforchildrensinjpnagar,#summercampforkids,#Summercamp2020,#kids,#GyanPro,#STEM,#Handson,#Activitybase,#scienceworkshop #kidsworkshop,#kidscamp,#kidssummeractivities,#innovativesummercamp,#uniquesummercamp,#3dprintingworkshop,#amateurscientist,#csi,#sciencefortoddler,#aeromodelling,#robotics,#electronics,#summerworkshop,#scienceexpedition,#scienceshow,#summerdaycamp,#homeschooling,#cbse,#icse,#igcse,#scienceprojects,#Tinkeringlab,#teenyweenyscientist,#steamsummercamp